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Kurt Wootton

Kurt Wootton is the Co-Founder of the Arts Literacy Project in the Education Department at Brown University as well as the Co-Founder of Habla. He has piloted several lab schools in the United States, Mexico, and Brazil and worked with cities including Boston, MA; St. Paul, MN; Providence, RI; Hartford, CT; Andover, MA; Vero Beach, FL and Central Falls, RI on multi-year, district-wide initiatives. Wootton also writes about education for The Huffington Post and for many professional journals including the English Journal and The Teaching Artist Journal. He is the co-author with Eileen Landay of A Reason to Read: Linking Literacy and the Arts published by Harvard Education Press. The New York Times writes: “Mr. Wootton remains every bit as convinced of education’s power to transform lives. He has changed his tool of choice, however, from a mirror in which students see only reflections of themselves to a window that opens onto the rest of the world.”.