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OWL Proficiency and Engagement Strategies: Groton, MA

Have all your OWL needs solved at one time, no matter where you’re at in your OWL journey, there’s something for you, both introductory & experienced tracks.

OWL1: Foundations & Application

Learn how to create a kinesthetic, student- centered, proficiency-based classroom. This workshop explores how understanding National Standards and proficiency-based instruction strategies can create an interactive, student-centered classroom.

OWL1 Foundations- What is Second Language Acquisition research and how does that apply to the classroom? This workshop includes activities with students from the host school and directly addresses teacher confidence in an immersion classroom. This session includes activities designed around building a strong sense of community and solidarity, creating curriculum based off of the student, and language levels.

OWL1 Application – How can OWL be implemented in line with the current program? What tools, strategies, and techniques can be incorporated? The focus is on seamlessly integrating authentic reading and writing and communication into the planning, activities and assessment of a classroom.


OWL2: Systems & Structures

This workshop is designed for participants who want to develop systems to support proficiency-based learning. Through further exploration of the strategies & techniques introduced in the Foundations workshop, we go deeper into how to create a space for acquisition.

  1. Development of student-centered Curriculum
  2. Integration of student interest in lesson planning through Threads & Progressions
  3. Creation of proficiency and standards-based grading systems
  4. Integration of purposeful assessments
  5. Fluid incorporation of Interactive Literacy

Cancellation Policy:

  • Prior to two weeks: 75% refund
  • Two weeks before the workshop: 50% refund
  • One week before the workshop: 25%
  • Less than one week: No refund
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  November 30, 2017 - December 1, 2017
     8:00 AM - 4:00 PM


703 Chicopee Row, Groton, Massachusetts, 01450, United States of America