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Online PD Series: PPATH

This four-session series will focus on breaking down the framework of OWL into concentrated and comprehensive pieces. Whether you know nothing about PPATH, are somewhat familiar with it after participating in an OWL PD, or you have been implementing each step of PPATH along the way- this series is designed to deepen your understanding of each part of PPATH for successful implementation and direction in your classroom.

Session 1: Hooks & Transitions October 4, 4:00 EST -or- 5:00 PST

Hooks-  This session will help you to develop the skills of watching and listening to your students in a way that allows you to pull hooks on the spot. When we get comfortable with this aspect of PPATH, the flow of the circle and language production is guaranteed to increase- it is what makes the circle go ‘round! A Hook helps us to de-unitize and focus on context and content as the driving forces for moving up the proficiency levels in an organic way.

Transitions – One of the most unique and most commonly recognized components of OWL are Transitions. Transitions are intended to help break down the filter, create movement and build the community. If you are wondering how to use transitions or are simply looking for a convenient way to spruce up your transition bank, this is the session for you.

Session 2: Prompts & Accountability Share-Outs October 18, 4:00 EST -or- 5:00 PST

Prompts- What should we ask our students to do and how should we ask them to do it? What will prompt the task, and what will the task be? This session will focus on how to develop prompts in the moment using the the OWL Curriculum Triangle and the ACTFL Proficiency levels as the guiding foundations. Additionally, we will discuss strategies for high student- engagement and production and how they are a direct result of the prompts we create.

Accountability (Share Outs) – After given a prompt, and the appropriate to complete the it, how can we be sure that the task was completed, provide the appropriate feedback and resources to fill in “gaps” discovered in the production process to ensure further development of communication skills and lastly, pull new threads to start the PPATH over again? This step in the PPATH is often overlooked or forgotten, don’t miss this session to ensure that your students continue to grow!

Session 3: Pairings, Groupings & Games November 1,  4:00 EST -or- 5:00 PST

The social aspect of language acquisition is crucial for student production and growth. How can we create an environment where students are constantly interacting with one another while staying 100% in the TL, even at the novice level? This session will unravel the science and purpose behind pairing, grouping and game structures and how we can start using them more frequently, effectively and purposefully in our classes today!

Session 4: Literacy – Each Step of the Way November 15, 4:00 EST -or- 5:00 PST

Following PPATH allows us to guide the circle while keeping accountable to the performance guidelines outlined in our state and national standards. Join in on the conversation of how we can make literacy flow in the circle via PPATH. In what ways can we integrate authentic texts to support the content, functions and text-types we are focusing on and pushing for? In this session we will share our favorite resources and activities and prompts that include literacy. Time will be allotted to collaboratively create example PPATH charts to work with the weaving in of literacy in our daily practice.

Online Platform
OWL uses Google Hangout to host Online PD opportunities. We encourage you to try it out before your scheduled online PD time so you don’t miss any of the session with technical difficulties. This should include having Google Chrome on your device, and giving the platform permission to use your video camera and microphone.

OWL does not give reimbursement for the following:

  • confusion of start time and time zones
  • technical issues on the participant’s part
  • inability to connect to the hangout

Anything we forgot to share?
Check out our Frequently Asked Online PD Questions!

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  • West Coast
     October 4, 2017
     5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • East Coast
     October 4, 2017
     4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • West Coast
     October 18, 2017
     5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • East Coast
     October 18, 2017
     4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • West Coast
     November 1, 2017
     5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • East Coast
     November 1, 2017
     4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • West Coast
     November 15, 2017
     5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • East Coast
     November 15, 2017
     4:00 PM - 5:00 PM



Online Platform
OWL uses Google Hangout to host Online PD opportunities. We encourage you to try it out before your scheduled online PD time so you don’t miss any of the session with technical difficulties. This should include having Google Chrome on your device, and giving the platform permission to use your video camera and microphone. If you do have any issues prior to the event, email us or call Tech Support at (857) 293-1706. An OWL Team member will contact you as soon as possible to help you out.

Day of Session
At least 10 minutes prior to the session, an OWL team member will send you a link via email. This will direct you to your group’s specific hangout. Once all registered participants and the consultant have arrived, the session will begin. If you are experiencing technical difficulties as you try to log on contact us by email or phone (857) 293-1706  as soon as possible. We will have a team member available to help you.

OWL does not give reimbursement for the following:

  • confusion of start time and time zones
  • technical issues on the participant’s part
  • inability to connect to the hangout

Anything we forgot to share?
Check out our Frequently Asked Online PD Questions!