Looking for fresh ideas , or some time to try out some new strategies, techniques, games, or activities in the classroom? This ninety minute session will give you the opportunity to collaborate and share with colleagues around the country.
Facilitated by an experienced OWL Trainer, Idea Share & Lab Time will give the participant effective feedback and strategies that can be used in the ever changing classroom.
Times are in Pacific Standard Time
9:00-9:30am: Idea share facilitated by an experience OWL Trainer.
9:30-10:30am: Participants will take the lead and practice teaching an idea, theme, strategy, method, game of their choice! Each participant will be given equal time to practice and equal time for feedback.
What’s Included
Idea Share & Lab Time
- All online materials: recordings of webinar, printable resource page, collaborative documents.
- Access to the Live Webinar with inspiring and informative facilitators.
- A collaborative community with teachers from around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time are the live webinars?
Check your time zone for the appropriate time!
- Pacific – 9:00AM
- Mountain- 10:00AM
- Central- 11:00AM
- East Coast-12:00PM
How do I participate in the Online Session?
OWL uses Zoom to facilitate live webinars. For maximum success, check to make sure your microphone, camera, and volume are working on your computer.
Questions on how Zoom works? Call us at (857)-293-1706, or email at info@organicworldlanguage.com.
If I cannot attend a live session, will I be able to experience the Session?
Yes! All live webinars will be recorded for your perusal when is convenient for you
October 24, 2020
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Venue: OWL Online- Multi Sessions
Live Webinars:
OWL hosts live webinars daily using Zoom as our platform. Zoom can be accessed on a computer or mobile app so you may access wherever you may be!
A welcome email with a Zoom link for your specific event will be sent to you within 24 hours of the live event.
Can’t make a live webinar? OWL will be recording all sessions, and will be available 24 hours post session on the Mighty Network.
Questions on Zoom? Connect with us at (541) 690-8038 for additional help!
Community-based engagement:
OWL uses private, social community called Mighty Networks for between session collaboration. This network works both on a computer and via mobile app.
A welcome email with a link to OWL’s private, social will be sent to you within 24 hours of the live event.
Questions on how to set up? Connect with us at (857)-293-1706 for additional help!