This four-week series will provide you with all the tools necessary for an organized and confident start to the school year! Designed for both new and experienced OWL’ers, each week we will discover and explore resources guaranteed to leave you assured and with fresh ideas.
Session 1: Starting Day One 100% in the TL August 2, 4:00 EST -or- 5:00 PST
Is it possible to start from day one 100% in the target language? Absolutely! Join this session to learn about the tips and tricks, strategies and activities, you can use to establish a foundation for true student ownership and acquisition throughout the year from the first interaction you have with your students. We promise that if you commit to an environment of trust, adventure and community building in the target language, so will your students! Join us to learn how to create a successful immersion environment that will leave you and your students excited and engaged to function 100% in the TL for the entire of the year!
Session 2: Teaching Proficiency to Your Students August 16, 4:00 EST -or-5:00 PST
Taking some time to discuss proficiency and performance with our students in the native language can be crucial in their understanding where they are and where they are going. Whether this is the first year you are implementing OWL or the fifth, this session will help to guide you in educating and setting goals with your students. When students begin to understand the different characteristics of proficiency and performance, they have the power to push each other and themselves throughout their journey of language acquisition. Don’t miss this powerful session for you, your department, you admin and your students!
Session 3: The “How To” for Creating Student – Driven Curriculum August 30, 4:00 EST -or- 5:00 PST
As we further explore techniques and strategies for creating more student-driven learning environments, how to keep the content that arises in each of our classes organized is crucial for guiding our student’s growth. Join us as we share ideas and learn about one sample system for creating and maintaining an organic vocabulary list. We will also discuss techniques and strategies used to build and use our vocab lists as one of the most powerful resources in our teaching!
Session 4: Running the Circle September 13, 4:00 EST -or-5:00 PST
For any OWL’er, a crucial aspect of the classroom is creating the structure through the circle. By focusing on the Six Goals of OWL, together we will discuss the importance of the circle, how to keep the the shape intact, and how this unique structure engages your students at any level, language, or age we teach. We will access a communal bank of transitions, pairings and groupings, community- building activities. Various tips and tricks for classroom management, setting expectations 100% in the TL, and circle strategies will be explored as well.
Online Platform
OWL uses Google Hangout to host Online PD opportunities. We encourage you to try it out before your scheduled online PD time so you don’t miss any of the session with technical difficulties. This should include having Google Chrome on your device, and giving the platform permission to use your video camera and microphone.
OWL does not give reimbursement for the following:
- confusion of start time and time zones
- technical issues on the participant’s part
- inability to connect to the hangout
Anything we forgot to share?
Check out our Frequently Asked Online PD Questions!
West Coast
August 2, 2017
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM -
East Coast
August 2, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM -
West Coast
August 16, 2017
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM -
East Coast
August 30, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM -
East Coast
August 16, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM -
West Coast
September 13, 2017
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM -
East Coast
September 13, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM -
West Coast
August 30, 2017
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Venue: OWL Online PD Via Google Hang Outs
Online Platform
OWL uses Google Hangout to host Online PD opportunities. We encourage you to try it out before your scheduled online PD time so you don’t miss any of the session with technical difficulties. This should include having Google Chrome on your device, and giving the platform permission to use your video camera and microphone. If you do have any issues prior to the event, email us or call Tech Support at (857) 293-1706. An OWL Team member will contact you as soon as possible to help you out.
Day of Session
At least 10 minutes prior to the session, an OWL team member will send you a link via email. This will direct you to your group’s specific hangout. Once all registered participants and the consultant have arrived, the session will begin. If you are experiencing technical difficulties as you try to log on contact us by email or phone (857) 293-1706 as soon as possible. We will have a team member available to help you.
OWL does not give reimbursement for the following:
- confusion of start time and time zones
- technical issues on the participant’s part
- inability to connect to the hangout
Anything we forgot to share?
Check out our Frequently Asked Online PD Questions!